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市面的頭髮產品為求達致理想效果,往往加入不同添加劑:例如去頭皮常見的(Sodium Lauryl Sulfate,簡稱SLS),令頭髮順滑的Dimethicone,令頭髮具有香味的Synthetic Fragrances ( Parfum; Fragrance)人造香料等,如作每天日常使用會影響頭皮健康,從而造成脫髮。

📣本店售賣的洗護產品皆確保沒有Sodium Chondroitin Sulfate, Potassium Lauryl Sulfate,Methylisothiazolinone (MI/MIT); Methylchloroisothiazolinone (CMIT),Dimethicone,Formaldehyde ,Synthetic Fragrances 等常見有害化合物。

I-N Pure Plenty® 防脫髮洗髮水 250ml | Dr. Koala

I-N Pure Plenty® Shampoo

From HK$350.00 - HK$880.00
Ethique「甜蜜誘惑」洗髮芭(豐盈柔順) | Dr. Koala
Juice Organics 有機椰子修護洗髮乳 Repairing Shampoo 300ml | Dr. Koala
Ethique「奇癒之旅」洗髮芭(頭皮護理專用) | Dr. Koala
Ethique The Guardian - Conditioner for Dry, Damaged, or Frizzy Hair 60g
I-N InspiraMint™ 洗髮水 250ml | Dr. Koala

I-N InspiraMint™ Shampoo 250ml

From HK$120.00 - HK$750.00
Inna Organic Lemon-scented Tea Tree Shampoo for Oily Hair and Scalp
Ethique「曲髮馴服」洗髮芭(重度乾旱、捲髮專用) | Dr. Koala
Juice Organics 有機熱情果豐盈洗髮乳 Volumizing Shampoo 300ml | Dr. Koala
Neofollics 激活髮量乳液 100ml | Dr. Koala
Neofollics 激活頭髮生長頭皮微針滾輪 | Dr. Koala
Juice Organics 有機椰子修護護髮素 Repairing Conditioner 300ml | Dr. Koala
Ethique「重拾清爽」洗髮芭(油性髪質專用) | Dr. Koala
Juice Organics 有機無花果護色洗髮乳 Color Protect Shampoo 300ml | Dr. Koala
Ethique「粉紅救星」洗髮芭(中性髪質專用) | Dr. Koala
I-N Pure Plenty® Nourishing Scalp Serum 150ml
I-N InspiraMint™ 護髪素 236ml | Dr. Koala

I-N InspiraMint™ Conditioner 236ml

From HK$120.00 - HK$750.00
Juice Organics 有機無花果護色護髮素 Color Protect Conditioner 300ml | Dr. Koala
Neofollics 激活髮量洗髮水 250ml | Dr. Koala
I-N Pure Plenty® 防脫髮護髪素 236ml | Dr. Koala

I-N Pure Plenty® Conditioner

From HK$350.00 - HK$980.00